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Animals Love Better Than Humans Do
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Animals Love Better Than Humans Do

Even after all years of evolution, one thing remains true: animals love better than humans do. We think ourselves at the top of the food chain. However, the animal kingdom still surpasses us in many ways. These wonderful creatures which many of us do not appreciate enough can teach us so much.

Can an animal really love better than a person does? What about the way your dog, cat or other pet acts? Do animals have the ability to feel, care for us and have emotions?

Not only animals love us but they have the capacity to have feelings and also express their affection for one another. Although they may convey it in different ways, the aspect of love is pretty obvious when you take a look at them. The bond they create shows evidence that they can experience many of the same emotions humans do.

But so many people are still cruel and insensitive towards animals and greedily destroy their lives or habitat. Yet, most wildlife will usually leave us alone. I am not a people hater, but needless to say, I often prefer the company of animals. And to me, it is a pity that humans do not act more like them.

“There are more dangerous humans on earth than dangerous animals.” – Anthony Douglas Williams

Animals Love Better
Animals love you unconditionally no matter what; surely when it comes down to our pets! No matter how you may feel at the moment, your animal is always there for you. Regardless of your physical appearance or mood, they are and will always love you.

So, animals often care more than humans. They have more personality, integrity, empathy, and loyalty than most people I know. And that is what family is really all about, isn’t it? Our pets have no greed, no malice, just love to give. And then we call them the animals.

And yes, for me, it is simply more comfortable to be around animals than to be around people. Let me ask you this: “How many persons in your life caused you to feel disappointment and betrayal? I can recall so many, but I rarely felt that way with an animal. Thus, animals love you in a truer manner.

“If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.” – James H.

Learn Life from Animals
One of the things I like most about animals is how much I learn about life from them every day. You can never know absolutely everything about any single creature on earth. Animals have infinite and immeasurable qualities. They are an endless yet enjoyable miracle of nature. On the other hand, sadly enough, you can know more about some people who you want to, just under a few minutes.

Since early childhood, I love and respect animals. They are never deceitful, insincere, cunning, manipulative, or mischievous unless they are strictly provoked or in the wild. Animals love and too frequently forgive humans for unspeakable treatment. Besides, they would never take up hunting people simply for fun, yet many individuals believe it to be a sport. It is sickening!

And animals have an incredible intuition. They can sense everything about you, from illness to your emotional state and when you are not paying attention. Dogs even know when you lie to them. So, it is no wonder that these incredible creatures are considered our best friends for the past ten thousand years.

The Bond of Eternal Love
The bond you create with animals is unbreakable, which is often not the case with humans. The more time you spend with an animal, the more of a connection is formed and that link keeps growing with time. And this bond you share becomes so rewarding and shows you that animals love better than humans do.

The unconditional affection you experience becomes worthwhile as you understand the animal’s personality, feelings, actions, desire, and motivation. You can even sense whether they are sad, happy, angry or annoyed. If you have a pet, you know that the bonds you create with them are the most unforgettable.

My trust in animals and love for them frequently helps me in my interactions with humans. It is my duty as an animal lover to honor their indestructible affection and express my gratitude to them. They are an important part of the world and they are not made for our pleasure only.

Animals and Humans
Animals deserve our respect and admiration. They are a peaceful company, do not talk incessantly, nor offer unwelcome advice or even worse, tell us what to do. Besides, they do not suddenly have to text someone or get a call while you are out together.

And these wonderful creatures bring us comfort during unhappy times in our lives. It does not matter if you are going through rough periods or are experiencing stressful moments. You know they always bring you joy or a smile. Just knowing animals love you and are always there to welcome you when you come home, making life much easier and happier.

Besides, I am not the only person in rating animals over humans, especially when it comes to showing compassion and rescuing them. A study shows people feel more empathy towards a hurt animal or abandoned puppy than for a grown-up human. Most of us are hard-wired to care more about animals and infants, and wanting to step in.

Animals Love More than You Deserve

“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” – Abraham Lincoln

One of the best feelings you know, if you have an animal, is when you come home. It does not matter if you left for fifteen minutes; your pet is just thrilled to see you home. Your animals are always waiting for you. There is no doubt that their world revolves around you but your world would not be the same without their love.

And so, it has been scientifically proven that animals love and make humans happier and healthier. Knowing that they are always there for you through the good and bad times means so much, doesn’t it?

There is no doubt in my mind that animals love better than humans do. You and I can learn so much from them. Yet, their unconditional love is something we can only try to rival with and emulate. So, be always kind to animals because they love you more than you deserve and more than humans will ever do.


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