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Photography and Happy Paws


There are obviously two places you can hold the photo session- indoors or outdoors. Whichever you choose you need to keep the lighting, time and the mood of your pet in mind. Take your pet’s preference into account when choosing the setting. You need your pet to be in a good mood.

The perfect day

Pythagoras says, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul,” and you would want your snapshots to reflect this soul. It’s all about the rightness and brightness of light. Choose a day which is not too bright neither too dark, you want the lighting to just right to make your photos appear au natural and not screaming ‘it took me ages to click this!’

It’s all about the timing

Your pet will not stay put and you should use this to your advantage. Coax him, bribe him and use a calm tone to get him to the right position you want. A happy pet equals happy pictures.

Camera settings

If you have got a cooperative pet who loves photography sessions then this will be a cake walk for you. However, not every cat and dog likes the camera flash; it scares them, makes them nervous. That’s why you need a day which isn’t too cloudy or too bright. Besides, the flash tends to give a washed out effect, so you would want to turn it off.

The subject and the number

You need not have a particular pose in mind; you can encourage your pet to move about while you go on clicking. Take a handsome amount of pictures, because your pet will not always heed to your request and peer into the camera for you. The more the merrier, you can always discard the ones which don’t look good to you.

The surprise factor

Use toys, whistles, gestures and treats to grab their attention, if outdoor photography has led them to chase a butterfly or mantis. This might make them bounce back towards you leaving you with an adorable shot. Distractions work best at giving you the perfect shot and viewing your pet in a different light, literally.

The Angle

Angle matters, when you are snapping his pictures. Taking it from a high angle is very common; why not crouch down to his level and try clicking? You will have some beautiful pictures of your four-legged darling. Bend yourself, lean, move slowly and engage your pet’s attention. You will be have a fun session as will your cat or dog.

Make sure to reward your pet afterwards for being cooperative, and being so photogenic. Happy clicking to you!


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